Tuesday, June 10, 2008

zoe update on governor's school

Zoe turned down governor's school to pursue her studies to become a doctor. Being accepted was an honor for her.
We are so proud of her! She made a very difficult, mature and well thought -out decision.
She will be in Chamber Singers, Falcon Jazz and District Chorus at Cox. She'll be singing her heart out. Yay! ( i am her biggest fan!)
will keep you posted on her.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Surgery ordeal

Hello all,

As Stefanie mentioned in her blog, I had gallbladder surgery. I saw my surgeon afterward while in recovery and he said I did great. I said,"So did you!" I was so glad that he was able to keep it a laparoscopic procedure and not have to open me from "stem to stern" like Aunt Chrise.

(I spoke with her during my recovery, she was home recovering from sinus surgery, ouch!)

I did have an intestinal infection in the week following the procedure and am better from that now.

I went back to work just short of two weeks later. I was going stir crazy and felt great. I was just trying to get my digestion working again. I honestly thought I'd be fine going back to work full time. Apparently, I was carrying myself differently or something because by the fourth day back to work, my back started nagging a bit.

By the fifth, it was really trying to do more than nag. It was screeching. Stef was asking if I wanted to go home. Me? What's a little pain, right?

What an idiot! I was in agony, I didn't want to admit it.

The next day, the pain started to shoot down my leg from my butt to the top of my foot.(and still is) Holy Crap, it is intense.

I went to the doctor (twice) who then sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who sent me for an MRI and ...

Voila! I herniated a disc which will eventually need to be corrected surgically. I probably had it brewing for a while. It will all work out though.
By the way, the kids both got honor roll. Jimmy will be in 8th and Zoe will be in 10th grade. They are enjoying their summer so far. I really need to put pictures on here.
Thanks for all the well wishes. I love you all.